And I suppose this is where I say something profound about what dA has meant to me. I mean, it has been the main and sometimes only social media I’ve used, so that stands for something I guess? It, or rather artists on here, helped inspire me to pick up and continue drawing as a hobby, and that’s a bit part of my life. …Dunno, there’s really nothing to profound about my relationship to dA, it’s just been a very convenient tool to share and see art and fanart. And that’s all I wanted from it, and that’s all it gave -it’s nice, that’s all ^^
(It then became less convenient and nice by moving stuff around and placing things under different tabs that used to be easily viewable on one page and ugh. Eclipse is not really a welcome change to the formula at all, so let’s not dwell on it right now)
Though, you know, it’s funny thinking back… I first found dA over ten years ago, when I was rearching for Kim Possible x Ron Stoppable shipping art. I instead found the Shego x Kim shippers on here and was introduced to the fact that non-straight people exist. So that’s something I could thank dA for I guess =P
I actually didn’t get an account until much later -I was the epitome of a rule-stickler, and my Mom didn’t want me having one until I was older. But I spent some time semi-stalking/following people on here by always having tabs with their galleries open and refreshing them every so often to see if they’d posted anything. My mom technically didn’t tell me not to do that. And then laster when I got into mlp I made an account just to post mlp stuff, managed to loose the password for it for a while, finally found which email I’d used, reset my password to it, started posting mlp stuff again, and then here we are! More than ten years later, still kicking around here.
Okay, so the more I look back the more I realise just how much time I’ve spent on this mess of a site. It was a big part of my teenage years, and it’s been fun now drawing and posting my silly stuff here. If it suddenly dissapeared, I’d think I’d be able to switch platforms without too much issue, but I’d also really really miss this place. It’s been nice, and that’s enough really ^^