
I trot down the street. The party is finally over. After all it was fun even if after the initial shock of surprise had worn off I felt a bit nervous around so many ponies and shaking the hooves of so many stranges.  
The sun is just slightly below its highest spot. I stop and look up enjoying the sunlight streaming over my coat. I listen to the calm noises of the village. No screaming of angry wagon-pullers. No sirens going off every few minutes.  
Though I heard something else aswell. A gentle sob. I concentrate and indeed hear another one. I locate the source of the sobbing to be from a little side alley. I approach slowly. Unsure. I have been shown so much kindness today - I think to myself - It is time for me to return the favor to this town.  
I turn into the alley and see a yellow pegasus mare sitting next to a door. A look at a sign next to the door sais: vet. Seeing as she did not have any pet with her I could only assume why she was weeping.  
Slowly I approached “Are you okay?”. She was obviously not expecting anyone to talk to her and turned away. Continuing to sob but this time barely audible. I sit down nearby at a respectful distance.  
We just sit there for a while. Her quietly whining and me just staring at the floor. Then something came to my head. I dig my muzzle into my saddlebag and pull out a small stuffed bear plush. It is old and battered. I slowly approach her and put it down next to ther hooves and retrieve once more.  
After a few moments she dares to take a look at it. Then she looks up at me. Her turquise eyes were wet and the light reflecting in them made them sparkle like a deep sea colored by a rich sealife and the sky of a bright full moon night.  
She looks down at the plush again. Her long, pink mane falling over her snout and partially obscuring her face like a veil trying to hide her beauty from the world. It surely is a beauty that if she was smiling it would be unbearably radiant with her sunny yellow coat like the sun when directly looked at.  
I have to shake my head to rid me of these thoughts. It’s rude to think like this whilst she is in emotional pain!  
Once I look at her again I see that she had taken the bear into her hooves. Slowly stroking it. I smile relieved “His name is Sargent.” I introduced him “He’s my best friend. I think he likes you too. Usually he tends to bite strangers.”. She chuckled for a second but still looked sad.  
“He wants to ask you why you are crying.” I say. Silence. I wait while she keeps stroking him. “Well…” she finally answers “I…”. Her voice is shaky as if she had sat there crying for quite a while now. “I wanted to get some medicine from the vet…” her gaze wanders to the sign. “But they are closing… The vet… Is moving…” she tells to Sargent in very spaced out chunks between sobbing.  
I knead the ground with my hooves “Oh no… Can’t you order your medicine per pegasusmail?” I carefully ask. She shakes her head “I need a vet here in town… I… I run an animal sanctuary.” she tells. “I see…” I’m thinking for a moment of what to say. “Maybe… I can help.” I offer. She looks up at me once again without saying anything.  
I get a bit more uncomfortable and glad that she was not able to see my skin under my coat turning red from the heat I was feeling. “I… I was working as a vet in Manehatten…” I confessed “I…” and before I can finish I am taken aback by her eyes growing larger at my words. I try to find my words “I’ve learned… natural healing methods… I’m no good with actual medicine…”.  
Her ears droop back suddenly and I think I said something wrong. I want to see that expression of hope in her eyes again! Why am I always messing up?  
“I… I would love to help you!” I repead “I have a job set up to clean the library at the castle… but I think I would rather work with animals… They’re not as dusty.” I tell her and I see her ears pop back up and the slightest of smiles forms on her face “Since Twilight moved the library is pretty empty. We only had a small one before she came here.”.  
She seems to be lost in thoughts for a while. I cannot but admire the pretty dreamy expression on her face as she seems to recall many happy memories. It surely does her well after the shock of the news.  
Then she turns to smile widely at me “I would be happy if you’d help me.”. Now I am sure she could see me blushing. I smile widely back at her “I’m excited!”. She giggles again “Well hello, Mr. Excited.” she joked into the back of Sargent’s head as if she was unsure that the joke was funny and tried to cover it up.  
I laughed heartedly “Well thank you! You can call me Dewspring or Dew though.”. She smiled and introduced herself: “I’m Fluttershy.”.
This would be beginning of a long lasting friendship…


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