“Oh come on Sapphire, you thought this was pretty fun when you were doing it to my friend, is this not fun to you anymore? I bet it wasn’t to her either hm? You don’t deserve to forget what you did. Every night you sleep, every dream you dream, I’ll be right here. Watching. Watching you relive it until the moment I die.”
Small tidbits about magic in my universes:
all species have some form of magicmagic, even if it doesn’t look like it! Earth ponies have increased strength and can grow/decay plants with strong feelings, pegasi are extremely quick and athletic and can manipulate the weather and water current, unicorns can read others on an emotional level and are the only one that can physically control their magic. The earth ponies and pegasi always outbeat them in weather and plant magic due to being naturals at it. Sea Ponies can lend people underwater breath and sight, griffions have a special connection with the earth its self, bending it to their will, dragons obviously have heat/fire manipulation, etc.
Unicorn parents can pass their magical power onto the next generation if they have a horn as well
All spells are cast in either latin (extremely old, typically the one related to dark/blood magic as well as accention magic) or standard galactic
Many items in the universe have a small bit of magic in them, magic is just an extension of feelings so it gets absorbed by the objects closest to a pony’s heart, they get corrupted when the memories get ruined and in turn have evil magic. They also get magic imbued into them if they are around a pony casting many spells (ex. some gems, spell books, and other magical artifacts)
Oh also, this is Dusk Shine, the second born of Twilight and Tempest
Base by https://www.deviantart.com/prettyshinegp
Base link: https://www.deviantart.com/prettyshinegp/art/Pony-with-a-book-F2U-685837345
All character/s belong to FuxeBuxe . Do not repost, edit, color pick, steal, reference/heavily inspire from, or claim my work. You will be blocked and reported.