Parents: Golden Meteor (ma) and Pastel Mist (mom)
Nicknames: TS, Sunrise, Sun, Sunny
Special Somepony: Navy Skies
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Species: Pegasus
Residence: Canterlot
Special Talent: Sword fight
Interests: Combative sports, Flying earlyin the morning, Playing video games
Occupation: Royal Guard in Canterlot Castle
Other: Tequila Sunrise is the daughter of Golden Meteor and Pastel Mist. She inherited her Ma’s wild spirit, but she always had a hard time getting along with her. Her Mom taught her to be kind and respect nature. When she was a filly, Sunrise saw the royal guard for the first time when Princess Twilight visited Cloudsdale. She was instantly drawn to the stoic and proud ponies representing the Princess’s and the Kingdom’s security. She wanted to be just like them when she grew up and she began training as hard as she could to accomplish that dream.
Golden wasn’t very found of the idea of her daughter becoming a royal guard. She placed a lot of hope in her to become the next Wonderbolt in the family. This caused the first of many fights between the two. Pastel was often in between, trying to reason with both of them. It usually ended in Golden flying off to somewhere and Sunrise locked up in her room, studying even harder.
Sunrise knew all her life that she liked fillies and not colts. It never even was a problem or a question for her, unlike for her Ma when she was young. Her Mom and her had long conversations and the two have the same view on the question. Sunrise always felt accepted as she is and never had a problem with anypony concerning her orientation. So she never felt the need to hide it and had a coule of obvious crushes when she was a filly. But when she decided to become a royal guard, she stopped being the somewhat open pony she used to be. She was always studying, and if she wasn’t in her room, she was outside training her stamina and impriving her strength.
Although she trained long and hard, she wasn’t getting her cutie mark. All her friends already had theirs and this was begining to worry her. She almost had the height of a normal mare and still no sign of a cutie mark.
Golden Meteor used this to try to persuade both her daughter and wife that Royal Guard was simply not what Sunrise was meant to do. But Sunrise was not backing down and she tried something else.
She made a couple of wooden swords she used with her best friend (N/A) to train in sword fight. If she wasn’t going to be defensive, then she would be offensive. One day after a very impresive blow to her partner, she finally got her cutie mark. That was all the proof she was waiting for, all she needed to prove to her Ma that THIS was what she was meant to do.
After this, Pastel put her hoof down and asked Golden to let their daughter do what she wanted to do so badly since she was so little. Golden finally gave in and gave up all hopes of having her daughter in the Wonderbolts. At her request, Sunrise got transferred to a “college” in Canterlot so she could have all the training she needed to fulfill her dream.
There, she met…
Navy Skies
Parents: N/A
Nicknames: Navy, Skies, Nay/NayNay (Sunrise)
Special Somepony: Tequila Sunrise
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Species: Unicorn
Residence: Canterlot
Special Talent: Making the best fireworks in Equestria
Interests: Reading, Hiking, Pyrotechny
Occupation: Entertainer
Other: Navy Skies grew up with her dad in Canterlot City. She had a normal life and she loved her dad deeply. She never knew her mom, she bailed on her and her dad when Navy was a few months old. This never really bothered Navy. She figured that if her mom didn’t want to know her, she didn’t either. Her dad was a pyrotechnician and was known to make the best and most beautiful fireworks in all of Equestria.
Navy was not particularly good in magic except in pyrotechny. She was as good as her dad very early. She always helped during his shows and sometimes could make her own fireworks during those. For this very reason, she got her cutie mark a lot earlier than many other ponies.
She looks like her dad both in appearance and in personality. She doesn’t speak much, but she always has a kind gesture towards everypony. She is a gentle soul and has many friends.
Navy went to school and graduated without difficulty. She was now a young adult and was finally able to help her dad fully, and that meant going on tour with him around Equestria.
The night before, her dad was experimenting a new spell in their barn behind their house, in the far end of Canterlot. Navy was on the way back from running errands when she heard a loud BOOM going off in the direction of her house. Sure enough, the barn was in flames when she arrived, out of breath. Nothing was left, the whole building exploded. Canterlot’s ICU did everything they could but Navy’s dad could not be saved. This devastated the young mare. She was just starting in life and her dad, her only family, was gone. She returned to the house she used to share with him and mourned for months. She barely ate, she never got out. Her best friend, (N/A), shook her up after nearly a year of barely surviving. She reminded her of her dreams, her goal and what she loved to do: pyrotechny. Slowly, Navy got her life back on track. She gathered a few belongings, grabed a bag and was off to a tour around Equestria, sharing joy and fireworks with ponies that really needed it.
She got back home after 6 months. she was glad to be home and shortly after she got requested to organise a firework show for a ceremony at the castle. It was the end of the school year for the royal guard trainees and their graduation involved a public ceremony and a party. Of course Navy obliged and that’s when she met Tequila Sunrise.