Page 1207 - Tool for SchoolStill working through some old feelings about high school, as you can see.
DM: So while you’re all laughing off Yona’s complete disregard for academic rigor…
Gallus (RD): It IS pretty funny!
Sandbar (AJ): Way funnier than when you do it.
Gallus (RD): Yea– Hey!
DM: A magical, psychic announcement echoes through the minds of every student in the school.
Message: All students, please gather in the entrance hall for an emergency assembly.
Ocellus (TS): Somehow, that seems more annoying than a PA system.
Silverstream (PP): Soooooo, I guess there’s an important question here. Are we the sort of kids that are too cool to go to an assembly, or…?
Gallus (RD): Oh yeah. Skip it 100%.
Smolder (RT): We’ve been runaways once already. They’re probably watching our attendance.
DM: …Bah, it’s probably nothing. Safe to skip. So, who wants to roll Investigation to look for the tomes on The Unification of Equestria?
Gallus (RD): OKAY OKAY FINE. But one mention of “school spirit” and I’m OUTTA there.
Sandbar (AJ): Says the team athlete.
Gallus (RD): No one’s immune to propaganda!!
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