National Socialism is Magic.
Gender Pronouns are Magic.
Impeachment is Magic.
Rape is Magic.
Censorship is Magic.
Opinions are Magic.
Racism is Magic.
Obeying the Law is Magic.
Police Brutality is Magic.
For Black People, practically everything is Magic.
Gender is Magic.
Fact Checking is Magic.
Racial Slurs are Magic.
Being a Human Being is Magic.
Grammar is Magic.
Free Speech is Magic.
Fascism is Magic.
Being a Normal Human Being is definitely Magic.
Mental Disorders are Magic.
Corona is Magic.
Face Masks are Magic.
Patience is Magic.
Civility is Magic.
The Mind of a Liberal Leftist is Magic.
Black Lives Matter is Magic.
Blacks’ Reasoning and their Capacity for Rational Thought are Magic.
Main Stream Leftist Media is Magic.
The Logic of the Derpibooru Staff is Magic.
Equality is Magic.
Communism is Magic.
Capitalism is Magic.
Gender Pronouns are Magic.
Impeachment is Magic.
Rape is Magic.
Censorship is Magic.
Opinions are Magic.
Racism is Magic.
Obeying the Law is Magic.
Police Brutality is Magic.
For Black People, practically everything is Magic.
Gender is Magic.
Fact Checking is Magic.
Racial Slurs are Magic.
Being a Human Being is Magic.
Grammar is Magic.
Free Speech is Magic.
Fascism is Magic.
Being a Normal Human Being is definitely Magic.
Mental Disorders are Magic.
Corona is Magic.
Face Masks are Magic.
Patience is Magic.
Civility is Magic.
The Mind of a Liberal Leftist is Magic.
Black Lives Matter is Magic.
Blacks’ Reasoning and their Capacity for Rational Thought are Magic.
Main Stream Leftist Media is Magic.
The Logic of the Derpibooru Staff is Magic.
Equality is Magic.
Communism is Magic.
Capitalism is Magic.