Specie: Earth pony
Gender: Female
Affinity: Heterosexual
Theme song: Pity Party/Smile
Birthday: April 29
Personality: Pinkie is hyperactive, excitable, quirky, and outgoing, often speaking and acting in non sequiturs. She warmly welcomes new faces, having a lighthearted manner in serious situations, as a result, she is often not taken seriously even by her closest friends, who occasionally call her out on her seemingly illogical behavior.
She’s a talented and avid party-thrower, ever for completely random occasions. Pinkie is a great mother, probably the best of the main 6, being fun, careful, responsible and creative
On occasion, Pinkie Pie shows an insecure side, doubting her friends and herself.
Family: Igneous Rock Pie(Dad) Cloudy Quartz(Mom) Limestone Pie(Older Sister) Maud Pie(Sister) Marble Pie(Younger Sister) Cheese Sandwich(Husband) Sugar Rush(Daughter) Ricotta Pie(Son)
Cutie Mark: Three balloons representing her party spirit