Page 1086 - Across the Fourth WallSometimes the solution is just working with the problem.The problem being that deep down, Pinkie is nobody’s fool but her own. (For the most part.)
Discord GM: <clap> Now, if I could confide in you for a moment, out-of-character…
Pinkie Pie: Sure!
DM: Huh…?
Discord GM: Despite being forced onto opposite sides of the hero/villain ideological coin, I think you and I both strive for the same things. We want to entertain. We want to challenge. We want to push boundaries.
Pinkie Pie: Sorry! Not joining your side.
Discord GM: Ahaha! I wasn’t even going to inflict the insult of asking. …But out of curiosity, why not?
Pinkie Pie: Because infinite suffering is noooooo bueno!
Discord GM: Mmmm… table that discussion for later. Point is, even though we’re enemies, we have a common goal of… making the most of this bizarre shared experience we call “tabletop roleplaying.” So I want to work with you a little bit. If you were forced to suffer a personality-altering curse, what would be the most fun and interesting for you?
Pinkie Pie: Wwwwwha…?
Discord GM: Details will be added later on HOW you get the curse… Let’s focus on the content.
DM: Just… What??
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