Page 1065 - Know Your PestEquestria as a potential plane upon the astral sea of the Dungeons and Dragons universe is something I technically have to think about, but I try not to think about too hard lest I feel like a different take might be useful later. Nevertheless, a little bit of that thinking has bled through here.Equestria, despite having several D&D-like things within it (I’m still holding out for a beholder to show up in an episode, just once), has a curious absence of any true deities. Immortals, sure, but the show’s taken lengths to show their mortality as well. No other gods showed up to challenge Discord’s claim to the realm. Ain’t no champions of Bahamut gonna come storming up to his throne to challenge him in the name of Lawful Good.So what does that mean for an Equestria that could potentially fit into the D&D multiverse? Well, I have to think about it a little bit, but I try not to overthink it for now.
Discord: Really, who’s surprised here? I’m a god. Or as close as one can get on this forsaken plane. Checking up on your backstories – a quick temporal review – is child’s play to me.
Twilight Sparkle: We won’t be intimidated, Discord. You say you’re a god, yet you’re treating us like the threats we are.
Discord: Threats? No. Severe annoyances, maybe. And come on, Twilight Sparkle. The party Wizard, predictably claiming the Element of Magic. You, especially, I’ll have no place for in my new world. Your friends, now, they’re a bit more interesting. Any quips from Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness? No? I see. “If you don’t have anything nice to say…” So rare to see in this day and age. And then there’s perhaps my personal favorite:
Pinkie Pie: Pff–
Discord: The Element of Laughter.
Pinkie Pie: AAHAHA! Sorry. Hearing it out loud… It’s kind of absurd…!
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