Page 1043 - Success RiskI just bet Xencarn’s gonna be all, “This comic is about me, isn’t it.” And I’m gonna have to be like, “No. Yes, but no.”It’s funny; I had just started this webcomic by the time the second season premiered. So while I got the joke that the writers were kind of parodying the “Twilight has a spell for everything” trope (and getting some wordplay in for good measure with “failsafe failed!”)… in my head, the reasoning was always “No, you did not clear this with me first, Twilight. Stop making things up.”
Twilight Sparkle: My idea is a Failsafe spell.
DM: This rings a bell.
Twilight Sparkle: Not just Dispel Magic, but a reversion to a predetermined set of properties to all entities and objects in a large area.
Applejack: A reset button for all of Ponyville? That’s… ambitious.
DM: You’re… talking about a power of a god.
Twilight Sparkle: Or a sufficiently prepared wizard! I proposed this to you privately a while back. During our adventures, if I placed focuses all around Ponyville, attuning them all to the same specific point in time…
DM: That idea?
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah! You said the theory was sound!
DM: Did you actually inform me that you were doing that? And that you were spending the appropriate resources? Did I confirm it?
Twilight Sparkle: Well I mean– I was hoping… we could say, in the past…
DM: Ugh, we went over this last time! No more retcons! No more setting things up outside the session without consulting me first!
Twilight Sparkle: Sorry…
DM: This isn’t a heist movie! You can’t just get out of trouble via flashback!
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