Name: Flurry Heart
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Relations: Cadence (Mom), Shining Armor (Dad), Sombra (Step-Dad), Sallow (Half-Sister)
Personality: Kind (To her subjects), snotty, bitchy, rude, short-tempered, irritable, will fight anyone
When Flurry was young, roughly around 6-7, her parents divorced due to Cadence going around and sleeping with other stallions and mares. And they had a falling out because Cadence thought that was OK, but Shining, however, wasn’t too fond of it. They got into a really bad fight and Flurry was so scared. She was afraid and didn’t want anything to happen. Roughly, when she was around 10, Shining came across Sombra again due to the King having gotten out. Cadence had gone off somewhere after her and Shining’s falling out. Sombra began seducing Shining due to the King having a mighty interest in stallions especially this one. Flurry grew a deep hatred for Sombra and seeing how he easily seduced her dad and how close they became. She was slightly homophobic towards stallions and she just grows angrier and angrier. But the day she found out Shining….Her DAD was pregnant with Sombra’s kid, she nearly blew. When her little half-sister was born, she lost her absolute shit and at that point, she moved in with Pinkie, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and the Cake twins. She found them to be a better family than her own dysfunctional family. Her mother was a slut, Dad was a flaming homo, and her half sister was a bitch. Flurry developed a crush on Pound Cake and the two were both too nervous and flustered to actually do anything about it. So Sallow made fun of Flurry nonstop and Pumpkin Cake kept prodding her brother to get him to do it and to “tap that pussy”. Pumpkin absolutely hates Sallow though and constantly tells Flurry to kick that unicorn cunts white ass.
Flurry attends a college in the Crystal Empire to where she studies History and English and is hoping to major in them. While she is a snotty bitch, she does work hard in school to get a good education and go somewhere in life…. She would rather be ruling HER empire, but she went to pieces so she quietly seethes.
Shining Armor, Sombra, Cadence, the Cakes, Pinkie, and Flurry Heart all belong to Hasbro.
Sallow belongs to me