It seems like an interesting material to work with. The starch noodles (made from corn or potatoe starch) can be squeezed or cut into many forms and easily attached to each other by just moisturing them. For creative purposes they come in a variety of colors. This sculpture of my OC Leafhelm was my first real attempt (with the unicorn above more of a spontaneous toying around with the material at the meetup) and I have since made a few more of these sculptures.
I am just wondering if there is a proper English term for this kind of figures (I came across terms such as foam noodles, polystyrene foam, packing noodles etc. when looking for a term to give to this) or is “starch sculpture” the term to use? Any help from native speakers is very welcome here. It is kind of awkward to try a form of art without even knowing how to call and tag it properly ;)