I’m open to making commissioned replicas of this for $45.00
…this also made me realize I need to make a new Princess Flutterbat. Mmmmphff!+
I did a commissioned generation 1 Flutterbat some years ago but I wanted to make a smaller generation 4 to put up for sale this time.
Inspired by Fluttershy’s attire in the Nightmare Night episode in season 5. Only I took the dress is a slightly different direction, did my own thing and made a matching hair accessory.
Pony base is a generation 4 Fluttershy. Kept original body color, reshaped the eyes entirely and hand painted them. Acetoned off the cutiemark butterflies, then painted hot magenta bats. Crafted leather over the ears and wings, painted the leather in light yellow acrylics. All paint work sealed in Artists Varnish. Fangs are white leather.
Mane and tail are rooted in nylon mlp dollyhair in the colors fairy’s breath and pussycat. Added a few plumes of pale pink feathers to the mane and tail to make the jagged layered appearance of Flutterbat’s hair.
Used black mesh cobweb material to stitch her train, a tiny piece of sequin material on her chest, tiny piece of black lace trim between the wings on her back. Cut out a circular spider web for the hair piece, fastened it to a candy pink feather plume, added a 3-D apple sticker and gold blitter ribbon. Added another apple to the tail base.
After all, Flutterbat also likes Applejack’s apples!
#flutterbat #apples #spiderweb #mlpfandom #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic#mlpfim #cartoon #batty #mlpcustom #custompony #mylittlepony #mlp #handcraft#artisancraft #generation4 #g4 #yellowpegasus #pegasus #fluttershy#handpainted #pinkplume #featherplume #pinkhair #synthetichair