Here it is, a little less than a week after starting it. The form is essentially finished, with possible small adjustments and some more line polishing needed. There are some problems with anatomy, perspective, and scaling, but I’m very satisfied with this since it was basically started on a whim . My March Gustysnows piece took me much longer to achieve, even accounting for the additional complexity of the clothing. I think I’ve finally made a decent face for once, too, which was tough. I keep hitting the same issue of fighting against multiple axis perspective distortion…
I’m thinking I’ll keep changing hoof styles depending on the piece. With the March picture, I wanted to de-emphasize them to draw the viewer to everything else, but here I’ve gone with little heart-shaped frog pads for cuteness contrast. I like the idea of her getting angrier over looking cute while being angry .
Now that I’ve shown this off, I’m going to color it over time while playing around with other projects. It just might be possible to start work on an idea I haven’t been ready for, yet.
..Submitting this shaded version with dark bg took way too long due to Krita doing some stupid things with layered alpha that I still need to figure out.
Edit: Might have to re-draw her left leg after all.. I’d had my doubts about it before, but hoped it’d work out. The intention was for it to be resting edge-down, but this seems at odds with how the thigh + proportions would work..