Page 1302 - Them’s Dicin’ Words, Part 1Author: Paper ShadowGuest Author’s Note:
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you. I’m afraid you’ll have to bear with me for a while, but let me introduce myself and the premise of this arc. I am Paper Shadow, and I’m a part of the Them’s Fightin’ Herds community. If you haven’t heard of it before, Them’s Fightin’ Herds is a 2D fighting game that spawned from a My Little Pony fighting fan game that received a cease and desist, but Lauren Faust contacted the team and offered to create new characters for them. The YouTube channel Hold Back To Block recently released a documentary on the game’s development, and you should go check it out.Anyway, I did a number of comics about TFH recently, just for the game’s official Discord channel, and when I saw that Friendship Is Dragons requesting Guest Comics, I wanted to bring TFH and FID together. I’ve been a fan of FID for a long time, and through it I found the Pony Tales community and greatly enjoyed that too. It is good to give back to Newbiespud and the webcomic for its years of entertainment.I hope you enjoy my comics and have a good day.”
DM: Hey, so bad news, the campaign is going on hold for a week or two. Some things have cropped up for a couple of us, and with the story where it is, an intermission session won’t work.
DM: If you do want to play though, there’s a group nearby that is playing a campaign in another
setting I’ve made that’s similar to Equestria. I can’t attend those sessions, but you could. We’re your first group, so maybe you’ll benefit from seeing how others play too. If you want to give it a go, just message me back.
Twilight Sparkle: Hmm…
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