Page 463 - Then Fall, RarityPart of the appeal of being a diplomancer of the group is that you get to focus on all the easy parts of the game. Talk is cheap, and if roleplaying comes easily to you, then social sections can be downright relaxing. That isn’t to say that social challenges don’t exist, though. Getting through a situation using only your words and your wits is often its own reward.That said, there are some situations that go beyond the definition of “social challenge” and all the way into “incoming trainwreck.”
DM: So is this actually happening in-character?
Pinkie Pie: Yepper! One big pony party for Twilight before we all go home!
DM: Hmm… On such short notice… Well, actually, since you’re personal friends with the Princess, you could probably secure the Canterlot Castle Ballroom for your party.
Pinkie Pie: Ooh, ooh, yes, let’s do that! I’ve always wanted to have a whole ballroom to myself!
DM: It’s supremely fancy, as things are wont to be in Canterlot. It has a series of giant windows along one side that looks out into the castle grounds…
Rarity: No…!
DM: …where some very well-dressed ponies are having a garden party.
Rarity: NOOOOOOOOOO! Et tu, DM?! ET TU?!?
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