>Emerald asks Joyride about the two daemons his amulet told him about, but she doesn’t seem to know much about them.
>Emerald and Ruby go to the castle to meet up and train with Sensoria.
>They meet a friend of Sensoria named Sweetie, and she is quite surprised to find that Emerald is a colt.
>Sweetie inserts herself between Sensoria and Emerald to make sure no funny business happens.
>Sensoria teaches Emerald the Arcane Eyes spell as well as the Ray of Frost spell.
>Emerald collapses from casting too many spells.
>Emerald speaks to Sweetie, and finds out that Sensoria is quite important to the protection of Whitherwater.
>Sweetie leaves, and Sensoria reveals she was hiding in the closet and asks Emerald to do her.