The funny story behind this redesign started on my birthday. My family got me an Eeyore (from Whinny the Pooh) plushie. Why? well dear reader that’s because my family tend to call me Eeyore because I act like him a lot! And yes they are right! XD
Upon looking at the Eeyore plushie (which I absolutely love by the way) I wondered what my OC Serene would look like as a donkey.
So then I drew this and, to be honest, I love how he looks as a donkey unicorn hybrid. I kept the unicorn features so he can do magic and all that, he is still the same OC but with a different and more unique look. I think he looks cuter too. : 3
I think I need help with a name for his species or mix.
So I’m now thinking I want this to be the new Serene. ^^