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Page 255 - Premature PessimismIf you have a player like Applejack who reads a lot into everything, do them a favor and let them know when they’re just spinning their wheels for no gain. There are times where this kind of intense investigation can really strengthen the party, and but there are also times when this just wastes the player’s energy.
Twilight Sparkle: Maybe one of us will know. Worst case scenario, I have a library full of… talking books.
Fluttershy: Okay. I guess I’ll go back to Ponyville, then.
DM: The para- er, the creature…
Applejack: What was that?
DM: …nuzzles into Fluttershy’s mane and purrs. Cutely.
Fluttershy: Aww.
Applejack: Well, Ah’m officially on high alert.
Fluttershy: Applejack… I know you’re concerned, but all I have is one tiny little insect.
Applejack: And why would the DM want you to meet one tiny little insect? Why is this thing takin’ up center stage? Think about it.
DM: Don’t worry. This is the one session where nothing bad happens, ever. Just the way you want it, right?
Applejack: …Touché.
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