Secondary Streak-
Father = Soarin
Eldest Child
Dyes part of his mane orange, green, and purple
Ego 72/100
Wants to be a Wonderbolt, like his parents
Socially awkward
Midnight Heights-
Father = Soarin
Older Middle Child
Has a love/hate relationship with pie
Not allowed to fly without help
Confused often
Daring Skies-
Father = Qibble Pants
Younger Middle Child
Smug as fuck
Ego 96/100
Will fight you over books
Is the type to laugh if you get hurt, while helping you
Fun Facts:
(And before it’s questioned, my NextGen Rainbow Dash is in a poly relationship with Soarin’ and Quibble)
The girls get their freckles from their grandmother; Windy Whistles
The boys dye their manes, the older one in secondary colours and the younger in primary colours
Midnight Heights can see colours and blurs, but no shapes
Daring Skies reads Daring Doo books to Midnight Heights
All children are fans of Daring Doo
Daring Doo has hidden from the four many occasions
Secondary Streak’s jokes confuse Midnight Heights
Adopted from;
Daring Skies -
Midnight Heights -
Secondary Streak -
Base by;
Original Image is a screenshot from the show
Character Edits:
Coat the same
Mane and Tail Main Colour the same
Mane and Tail Rainbow Colours brightened
Mane and Tail Style changed
Eye colour brightened
Feather colour changed
Added Freckles(hard to see, but they’re there)
Coat the same
Mane and Tail Colours brightened
Mane and Tail Style changed
Eye colour slightly changed
Feather colour changed
Freckles moved around
Coat the same
Mane and Tail Main Colour more like father’s
Mane and Tail Style changed
Dyes parts of mane
Eye colour changed to green, to match father’s
Feather colour changed