Page 126 - A Gentle ShoveWhoops! Woke up and realized I hadn’t set up the comic for this morning’s update. Sorry about that.Anyway, this comic is about the players wanting to do one thing and the DM subtly reminding them they need to do another thing first.
Fluttershy: A huge cloud of smoke? Where’s it coming from?
DM: You trace the billowing black mass to its source, which seems to be the top of a particularly tall and steep mountain a few miles out of Ponyville.
Twilight Sparkle: The top of a mountain? So we’re NOT dealing with a forest fire, then. What’s the trouble?
DM: The smoke is thick enough to block the light of the sun, leaving a dark shadow beneath it. At the rate this cloud is growing, it could potentially cover all of Equestria.
Fluttershy: There’s no time to lose. I go towards the source of the smoke to investigate.
Fluttershy: Ah… I mean, I go into town to get my friends first.
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