So a lot has happened with MLP canon since this picture, and after all that I decided to scrap that previous idea and re-work Spike’s story. After some debate and multiple changes, here we have Spike and Thorax and their story below:
Born a dragon but raised by ponies, Spike always struggled with his identity: can he really call himself a dragon? As an infant, this identity crisis did not bother the young dragon since he knew nothing else; however, as he grew older and his world expanded beyond Equestrian borders, Spike began questioning himself. Yes, he was physically a true dragon, but emotionally and mentally he identified more pony-like: his sensitivity and civilized demeanor clashed with the image of a “real dragon”, a stone-cold brute who favored themselves over others. Even after meeting and befriending Dragon Lord Ember, Spike still felt an identity crisis. His insecurities shifted slightly after meeting his dearest friend Throax, a creature whose life is all about shifting identities. Through their similar struggles, the two creatures formed a deep friendship that lasted beyond Thorax’s ascent to kingship among the changelings. Although Spike loved Twilight and his pony friends, there was something different and more accepting about his closeness with Thorax, the dragon often visiting the Changeling Kingdom whenever he needed comfort.When Princess Twilight Sparkle opened her Friendship Academy and welcomed creatures of all kinds, Spike gravitated towards the only dragon, Smoulder. At first, the orange dragoness saw Spike as a puny “pony dragon”; however, as the two got to know each other and each dragon grew both emotionally and physically, Smoulder saw Spike as “something”, a true dragon perhaps. Meanwhile, Spike saw his friend Smoulder as the answer to his identity problem: here was a dragoness who could teach him about his dragon-self. Over the years, the two dragons grew closer, connecting over their shared species-hood and journey into dragon adulthood. Smoulder graduated the Friendship Academy a few years later, and Spike was proud of his dragon friend. The two celebrated at a graduation party thrown by Sand Bar, followed by a night flight. Somehow the two dragons ended up alone, and with the excitement of the party and the bubbling of recent physical urges, Smoulder and Spike shared a night of passion under the stars. A week later, after saying her goodbyes and eager to start her new chapter, Smoulder left Ponyville for the Dragon Lands, leaving Spike behind to continue his life in Ponyville. Spike was heartbroken from Smoulder’s departure. Although Spike knew nothing would happen beyond their one night, Spike felt an unknown pain from the dragoness’s nonchalant departure. Maybe he felt abandoned by his one connection to dragonhood, or maybe he felt her leaving meant regressing to his identity confusion, or maybe he felt “pony feelings” for Smoulder he knew the dragoness would never feel. Regardless, Spike quickly grew restless and began visiting King Thorax more often, the now older dragon finding comfort in his changeling friend once again. Eventually these visits grew more frequent and emotional to the point where Spike began having strong feelings for King Thorax, of which his friend shared. In a whirlwind, Spike decided to leave the Sparkle Castle and live in the Changeling Kingdom alongside his new partner King Thorax. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the purple dragon, the Dragon Lands held memory of his one night of passion with Smoulder.
King Thorax
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
MLP, Spike, Smoulder, Thorax (c) Hasboro
Copper, Spiritus, & Fauna (c)