so now he is now their guardian angel or perhaps their guardian vampire.
Ok so i hope you like that story, and i would like to explain these Nosferatu- like vampires were the regular ponies regular vampires try to feed on but they were chased away the ones they have bitten still have the marks and some features of the vampire but still remained, once they have passed from old age they wake up a few hours or a day later they have over grown hooves, are longer (perhaps almost as tall as trouble shoes… or longer) this individual was a pegasus and his wings turned into bat wings these types of vampires are able to get out of their graves tanks to their hooves.
the Nosferatu-like vampires still love their family and end up becoming their guardians while regular vampires would still care about their family but know they must not go near or else they will be hunted by vampire hunters but the Nosferatu don’t care they will learn how to remain un seen and will show them self of if their family are in danger or will show themselves to their spouse but they have to be hypnotized so they won’t be scared and when they wake up in the morning they will think it was a dream.
the Nosferatu- like vampires are apart of the creatures of the night but they are rare kind there are not many of them and some would turn there spouses into vampires though the regular kind but some want to leave there spouses and live their lifes normally because they still have that mind set that what they become are monsters (for the first few years as the Nosferatu- like vampires) and they will find the vampire that cause them to become Nosferatu- like vampires and just end up chasing them or try to get revenge but later on they will make amends or just calm down and not speek to them, they will soon see there are benefits to this after life and enjoy it and use their abilities for good (note: all vampires use the powers they have for good by good meaning for themselves or their kind as well as other creatures of the night)
wow that is alot of reading but it was fun, so i hope you enjoyed and i’ll see you all later bye