Page 1341 - Let’s Get Scrappy
20th Feb 2020, 6:00 AMAuthor: GreatDinnGuest Author’s Note: “Alternative Title - Twilight’s Gone to the Napture.It has been my experience that a lot of good players make sacrifices and go to great pains to make sure that any newcomers have just as much fun as the veterans did back when they started. Just for love of the game. And for them, I am eternally grateful.”
Twilight Sparkle: Great. Ugh, I just want to go home and sleep.
DM: Offer still stands. I can get you out of there, no hard feelings from anyone.
Twilight Sparkle: It’s…really tempting.
DM: I’m sensing a “but.”
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah …they told me about their first real game, and they all seemed so excited and happy. It almost felt like I was with our group again. It reminded me a lot of our first game.
DM: So, what do you want to do?
Twilight Sparkle: … I want to help them salvage this.
DM: Sounds good. I’ll help however I can. What’s the game plan?
Twilight Sparkle: I have no idea!
DM: So, the usual plan.
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