Decided to make an earth pony but then I somehow made to when he had some weird birth defect or something in which effected his life. Summary, his parents didn’t love him for some reasons, one being an earth pony(because he was born as an earth pony) and two because he looked way different from any other pony, at some point when Fortune turned 10(in human years) his parents died and all their bits went to him…he is now fully on alone…he got his Cutie Mark. Due to Fortune being weird lookin and anti-social, he ended up taking all of the bits and went into hiding. It’s uncertain were he is, last sight of him was near Ponyville.
His Cutie Mark: Basically it’s the type of good fortune involving survival, such as finding food on a table(or in the trash)(outside restaurant)that someone left and it’s not contaminated what so ever(You know flys and all) or in a dangerous bear situation and somehow the bear gets knocked out by a random branch, that type of good fortune. Fortune is haunted by his parent’s death to this very day.MlpFim/EarthPony (c) Hasbro and Fausticorn
Good Fortune/Art (c) (me)
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