And yes, she is based of the Barbra Gordon version of Batgirl XD
She is the daughter of the police commissioner in Canterlot. Many people think that she is just an average 18 year old who spends all day blogging and writing fanfics of her OTPs (Ok maybe she does do that. Like… A lot. But she does other stuff!)
But what they don’t know, is that when crime strikes, she turns into the vigilante of the night, BAT-MARE!
(She originally called herself bat-filly but she thought that it made her sound too young lmao)
However, while the real Batgirl is skilfull, tactical, has had years of training, skilled in several martial arts/fighting styles and has a wide array of expensive gadgets, this one… doesn’t XD
The only training she has is that she’s a decent athlete and that she took some martial arts classes when she was younger, Her outfits and gadgets are mostly just stuff she has improvised and she’s known or using whatever she can to fight.
She knows a lot about hacking and computers though buy that’s about it XD
She’s rather inexperienced about the whole “crimefighting” thing (A mugger isn’t really going to be afraid of you if your dramatic entrance is ruined by falling face first into a smelly dumpster), but her mind is in the right place and she has helped a lot of ponies.