Such as in my main universe Lotto is paired off with Princess Celestia when he works at Canterlot Castle and has a whole normal sized fan fiction centered around him and the Canterlot Rules.
The main universe version of Lotto is the most complex version of Lotto.
Another interesting idea I’m working on is in the normal universe Dan and Queen Novo are friends but in a up coming Flood Fan fiction when the world floods they are in love with one another.
Interdementional Lotto however will learn what happens should his universe’s version of Dan and Queen Novo find out that in another reality they are lovers it most likely won’t go to well.
In other universes you see ether a tiny Lotto and a giant crystal pony Scarlet Hearts or such as this one were this universes verson of Lotto and Mage Meadowbrook are caught in a explosion and grow.
In this plot line Inter dimensional Lotto the Lotto from my main universe builds a teleporter that teleports him into 24 dozen near by alternate realities the bulk of them are for some unknown reason ether giant or tiny versions of his self and various mares.
Lotto however tries to help various versions of himself with mare courtship to get himself to win over the mare he is after.
Not to mention Lotto must keep himself from wreaking the place.