I had thought about putting Flurry in a group of six and make it like a sort of “next generation” to the Mane Six from the official show. How they are related to some of the Mane Six goes along well but I thought it would be nice to put in some characters from outside of the mane six families like Pound and Pumpkin. Pinkie babysat those two anyway so she’s kinda like a surrogate mother for them.
Anyways, here are some short bios for them from left to right:
Storm Streak (Rainbow Dash’s son) - Stormy is the kid of the group, being the youngest. He’s daring and adventurous, but often gets himself into trouble. He wants to be a Wonderbolt one day like his mother.
Apple Chip (Applejack’s son) - Chip is an identical twin to his sister, Annie Smith. He’s smart and hardworking like his mother, but can sometimes act stuck up.
Annie Smith (Applejack’s daughter) - Named after her late grandmother, she is Chip’s identical twin sister. She’s much like her brother and very honest like Applejack, but can be very shy and timid and needs guidance from others.
Flurry Heart - Princess of the Crystal Empire and daughter of King Shining Armor and Queen Cadance. She’s very well-educated and gifted with tons of magic spells. Flurry is very curious about things and really wants to find her place in the world since she doesn’t have her cutie mark yet.
Pound Cake - He and his twin sister are the oldest of the group. He’s adventurous but he’s a little more reserved and mature than Stormy. Kind of a natural born leader and keeps the group in line.
Pumpkin Cake - Twin sister to Pound and the first born of the two. She’s energetic and silly like their baby-sitter, Pinkie Pie, and sometimes jokes around a bit too much.
Well that’s Flurry and the gang! I wanna see if I can use these six as the mane characters, but oddly enough none of the other 5 actually appear in the first fanfic I have planned. They’ll be introduced as time goes on though.
MLPFIM © Hasbro
Flurry Heart’s Story, Storm Streak, Apple Chip, and Annie Smith © Me