A minute later and the little filly heard two sets of shuffling hooves, soon the door was opened to reveal a tired chimera.
“Windsong? What can I do for you so early in the morning?” Discord asked rubbing one of his eyes.
“It’s the afternoon?” Windsong inquired, staring up at the creature with a raised brow.
“Is it now?” Discord looked up and at the sky, it was true, the sun was high in the sky. He yawned again. “Fluttershy must’ve let me sleep in…” He said, more to himself. “Well, what can I do for you any how?” The chimera asked once again, turning his full attention on the little filly.
“I wanna play with Wisty!” She said excitedly. Discord smiled baring his fangs, he felt pride in hearing his daughters name.
“Of course you would…Kitty! Windsong’s here!” He called out, soon his daughter had teleported to the door, not scaring her father a bit…at all.
“Good afternoon Windy! What are you doing here?” Wisteria came up to the filly.
“It’s a top secret mission. No one can know…not even~~” Windy pointed at the confused male chimera looking down on the kit and foal.
“Papa! You can’t be present during our top secret meeting!” Wisteria pressed her head on her fathers chest and tried pushing him backward to insure the top secret mission wouldn’t be heard by prying ears.
“Hehe, alright…I’ll take my leave then~” Discord said in a sing song voice then left as he said he would, retreating to the kitchen to see his wife.
Wisteria turned back to the small foal still outside on her porch, then she proceeded to close the door and come out fully in the front yard. The small chimera kit stood attentively awaiting the secret to be told.
“What might the mission be today? Will we be discovering things again? Or finding our purposes in life?”
Windy stomped a hoof proudly and Wisteria relaxed. She could see the mischievous grin plastered on the young filly’s face that it would be something fun that day.
“Nope. Not this time Wisty…today I found out that my mom was the best prankster in Ponyville before I was even born!”
“Wow~~” Wisteria marveled. “That must have been so long ago…”
“I know right? But now, that means I have to live up to my moms title! But guess who was the best prankster in all Equestria?!”
Wisteria thought about it for a moment then a small light bulb came over her head.
“Aunt Luna?”
“No silly! Your dad!” Windy said enthusiastically.
“Oh? Papa? But he doesn’t do that as much anymore…well only on Aunt Twi and the council.”
“Which is exactly why we need to be the pranksters now!” Windy came up to Wisteria and hugged her shoulder, her eyes shining, looking off in the distance. “We need to live up to our full potential! We could be even better than our parents!”
“We could?” Wisteria asked with a hopeful smile.
“Yeah! We could be-we could be…the Ultimate Pranksters!” Wisteria looked at her friend with a smirk and a crooked brow, almost resembling her father. She rubbed her hands together, sticking her tongue out in concentration, before a whoopee cushion was summoned in her lion paw.
“Sounds good to me~” Wisteria sang with a wide toothy grin, her fangs shining in the sun.
“Then let’s go get us some unsuspecting ponies! Let’s start with Twilight!”