Saur and Silence belongs to Coronosaur
Dynomy and Seacoil belongs to Dynomy84
Angel belongs to ToonKendal
Golden belongs to The-Golden-Knight
Cocoa, Frosti and Dusty belongs to CocoaTheChihuahua and FrostiBites
Shade and Black belong to Ghosttrickpikmin
This took a long while to complete! Whew.
But I am proud of it!
This was when Dreval revealed the first half of the villians!
I quoted her exactly from the episode and this is the first time seeing me design Black. I made him a bat pony since he was confirmed to be a vampire.
This is 2/3 of the Moar Krabs Episode moments. The next one will come right after this one!
Base credits: MADZ-Bases, Twiily-Bases, MaddieAdopts, alari1234-Bases, Glittery-Bases, Pastel-Pocky, FirePony-Bases, :devmelia-bases:, Lizziepadbases.