So Yeah, this might be My First Time doing a Fake Screenshot and it came out… Worse. ._.
So here’s the Alternate Scene where Waluigi made Everyone into a T-Pose Zombies. And Mario, is the Last One Standing. He couldn’t Find a Cure to Cure the T-Pose Viruses without His Friends and Brother. He totally don’t want to be like them. But, He has no Other Choice. He Cried for them. And Waluigi will Turn Him into T-Pose.
So, How’s the Story? Pretty Shit Right? I made it Worse :’)
PS: In the Background is Luigi, Bowser, and Wario. Why do I put Wario as a T-Pose Zombie there? Cuz Waluigi don’t have another Choice so He Decided to Turn His Own Brother into a T-Pose Zombie.
Super Mario (c) NintendoSMG4, The Waluigi Arc (c) Luke LerdwichagulBase (c)