It had all happened so fast. One minute she was in a dark void, then she saw Paint and a bright light enveloped her. Now, Paint was nowhere to be seen and the darkness was gone. All that remained was the almost-blinding light shining on her.
Am I dead? The horrifying thought came to Confetti’s mind in a flash. Oh, how she prayed it wasn’t true. But as she slowly got her bearings, she felt herself surrounded by pillows and blankets, as if she were in a bed. And at her side, she could hear a machine beeping. She wasn’t in heaven, she was in the hospital!
All of a sudden, Confetti felt her hoof gripped by something, followed by…crying. Lightning Bolt. He must have been waiting for her this whole time.
“I’m gonna miss you so much, Connie…”
Miss me? Confetti was confused. Wasn’t she right there, by his side? What was going on?
”Just a few more hours and the doctor will be here, Connie. He’s gonna put you out of your pain. You’ll be happy again.”
Put me out of my pain? I’ll be happy again? It all came rushing back to her. The friends and family that had visited her so recently, Lightning by her bedside now, they were all saying goodbye. They were about to cut her life support. She wasn’t ready to die! With all the strength she could muster, she gripped Lightning’s hoof back. She had to let him know she was there before it was too late.
He sniffled. “Sometimes, I can still feel you holding my hoof…”
Dammit, Lightning! With another surge of strength, Confetti unfurled her left wing and brushed him with it. He had to notice this time.
She brushed her wing against him again, turning her head towards him as best she could. Lightning was a blurry blue blob without her glasses, but he was Lightning all the same.
”C-Connie? You’re…awake?”
Yes! Yes, Bolty, I’m here! Confetti tried to speak, but found something blocking her from doing so. The breathing tube.
Lightning made a noise that sounded like both laughing and crying. “You’re awake! You’re really awake! By Luna, it’s been three months. We really thought you were a goner.”
As he leaned into her, Confetti could see more clearly just how much of a toll her absence had taken on him. While still blurry, the stubble on his chin and the wet stains on his cheeks were unmistakable. He looked as if he’d done nothing but cry for hours, but the relieved smile on his face said it all.
”Oh, Connie, we’ve all missed you so much. I haven’t slept, I’ve barely eaten, hardly even left your side. The kids haven’t known what to do. Your family’s been worried sick. Galaxy and Roy, they came to see you too. It’s been so long, the doctors were actually gonna pull your plug-“ Lightning sharply drew in a breath, halting his frantic barrage of words, “-but that doesn’t matter anymore. You’re awake, it’s all gonna be okay.”
Confetti smiled. It’s gonna be okay. I’m here now. She tried to muster up more strength to shift her body and hug her husband, to finally feel his body against hers, but she immediately felt a shooting pain in her side.
Lightning noticed her wincing and frowned. “You broke your wing really badly, Connie. They just couldn’t save it. And when you fell, you landed right on your spine. You’re paralyzed from the waist down, and-“ he swallowed, “They said you’ll never walk again.”
Never walk again. Confetti froze as that horrible day came rushing back to her. The shattered wing. The terror she felt. Her daughter’s screams. No wonder she was so beaten up. No wonder her family was devastated. I really was almost a goner, she thought as tears sprung to her eyes.
”Connie!” Lightning began to panic as he pulled her into his embrace. “It’s okay, please don’t cry! You’re here! You’re okay! We’re all okay!”
He’s right, Confetti reminded herself. I’m okay. My trotting and flying days may be over, but I’m still here.
Even through the tears, her frown twisted into a grateful smile. Grateful for her life. Grateful for the stallion she loved. Grateful for the children she’d be going home to. Yes, she had lost a lot, but she still had her life and loved ones. That was all that mattered.
“I’m gonna go tell the doctor you’re awake. Don’t want him pulling the plug now,” Lightning pulled away and chuckled. “The children will be so happy to see you.”
And I’ll be happy to see them too, Confetti thought as she watched Lightning go. She leaned back and smiled. For once, everything was going to be okay.