
It’s largely believed Mal Hearts’ family tree predates Equestria.
What’s not known, however, is that the family goes farther back, and in a different galaxy.
De’guun Hearts joined the Galactic Empire in 5 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) in a attempt to avenge his fathers supposed death at the hands of Rebels.
He served the Empire until 3 BBY when he discovered the truth, his father’s status was never truly discovered but was covered up to make the Rebels look bad.
De’guun left the Empire and joined the Rebellion the day after he made the discovery.
He flew in Red Squadron during the Battle of Yavin, which ended with the Death Star’s destruction.
He also participated in the Battle of Hoth several years later, where he was shot down by Imperial AT-AT’s.
He was later rescued and was sent on a cargo mission that would mean he would travel across the Galaxy, starting at Nar Shadda.
He was hunted by a Bounty Hunter, which ended with him once again being shot down.
This time, however, it was over Tatooine’s dune sea. The bounty hunter tracked him down and would have killed him had Tusken Raiders not attacked.
De’guun saved the bounty hunters life by jumping in front of the incoming fire. He died not long after.
The bounty hunter honored his sacrifice and took his body to his family, who were both saddened and happy to receive it.
De’guun Hearts was 25.


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