Page 221 - Breaking Bad NewsSome leads take you where you want to go. Some result in dead ends.And others give you some of the information you want, but fade away the moment you need them to be really useful.
Supernaturals: Let me break it down for ya: Poison Joke is the magical prankster’s version of poison oak. You get in contact with it, and you get a silly transformation instead of a rash. Poison Joke’s weird in a couple of ways: Every victim gets a different curse, and it doesn’t affect creatures below a certain age.
Applejack: Oh. Apple Bloom and Spike went with us, right…
Apple Bloom: We’re fine. Thanks for askin’.
Twilight Sparkle: Okay, so what’s the cure? You’re a book of remedies, right?
Supernaturals: Erm… Well, funny story about that…
Twilight Sparkle: This’d better be a “ha-ha” funny story.
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