Crazy 8 flew multiple missions during the war.
Notable missions include:
32 in North Africa, 12 in Italy, 45 in Western Europe, and 22 in the Pacific.
He also took part in ground-based operations:
D-Day, The Liberation of Paris, The Battle of the Bulge, and, finally, Okinawa and Iwo Jima.
He retired from military survive at the age of 70 and died at the age of 100 of natural causes.
Born: January 24th, 1902. Died: January 24th, 2002.
(He and Mal Hearts had finished celebrating each others birthdays earlier that morning.)
During the war, his squadmates claimed he achieved 1,000 confirmed kills and 900 captures of enemy personnel during his service. His personal journal contradicts this by stating he got 90 kills and 50 captures. It’s unknown which version is true since he didn’t actually count.
It’s a known fact that he was shot down on a mission in North Africa, supposedly, however, he single handedly captured a enemy outpost with nothing but a grenade, a knife, and a m1911 pistol.
He, however, stated the pistol was jammed so he left it in his crashed airplane and used his knife to slit a German soldiers throat and stole his MP-40 Submachine. This is also unconfirmed since there’s evidence to suggest he crashed near a US base. Sidenote: He didn’t kill anyone in this incident.
It’s largely believed the Archibald Hearts was actually a mare pretending to be a stallion. There’s little to no support for this since he married a mare and later they had children.
This, likely, comes from reports that he would only use the latrines when no one was around. Which was more than likely do to him being paranoid.