“I will not help you unless you’re dying.”
Parents: Queen Mistmane (Deceased), King Scorpan
Species: Gargoyle
Gender: Male
Special talent: Give Life to living things, Prince
Occupation: Healing, Restore
Nickname(s): Iris (mother calls him), Cy, Prince
Cypress gets his kind heated, protective, and caring from his father. Like his mother he was gifted to restore and heal any ponies also. Cypress leaves out if the distant land and wonder around Equestria to help others in need even they are not hurt he still helps them. As a royal prince he take his job serious and make sure the kingdom is running right when his father is out.
Cypress has a strongest bond with his parents and even now. When Cypress was a child his mother her his last life to him before she pass way. He still feel her within him. Cypress loves his cousin Everest to death even Cypress know Eve took the wrong path like his uncle Tirek. He still will lover her no matter what path she talks. Eve on the other head thinks he doing to much for her but she is still thankful for what he is going for her. Cypress is not a fan of his other cousins Viktor and Kyra. He feel their negative energy and power- obsessed egomaniac in both of them. Cypress was barely there when eve and him was kids but now he will protected her from them if it cost him his own life! Cypress was never close to his Uncle tirek. Cypress only seen tirek onces and that when he was a child. Cypress ran into him way far out to the nether lands. They didn’t say much. Tirek only rub his head and smiled and Tirek continue to walking where he was heading and disappeared in the far out distance. Twi and Cypress are like bffs they love to talk about study and magic together. They like nerds together.
-Cypress can turn him self into stone.-Cypress gem can summon a unicorn horn when he wants -Cypress cannot stand when others ponies stair at him without saying a word he thinks its creepy to him.