“Yup! And then some!” Pip says.
“And then some…?” Ruby asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Yup! I can’t tell from here, but there is definitely more magical energy around the place than before.” Pip says nodding thoughtfully.
Emerald looks up at the sky to see if there are any pegasus watching the retreat of their comrades. Luckily the skies are clear. In fact, now that Emerald thinks on it, he hasn’t seen too many pegasi in the sky at all. he contemplates why this is, but puts it aside for the moment.
Instead the group follows after one of the earth stallions as he makes his way back. It isn’t hard to hide from the pony, as there are still plenty of people walking around the streets. In fact, the stallion seems quite at his ease. The pony never even stops to look behind him, and even flirts on the occasional mare, and buys an apple from a stall on the street after having a short conversation with the seller.
Things don’t seem that dangerous now, but perhaps Emerald and company should pull away? They could just go through the folders they have and see if anything good comes from them. Thinking on it further, Emerald realizes that they could also go check out the house that Ruby and her roommates burgled for more clues.
Inventory & Spells - http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv