Hazy is very tsun when it comes to his family. He adores his cousins but always tries to act tough and manly. Desert Moon sees through him and lets him get his hugs free of persecution. Still, he gets a bit nervous at all the attention and love he gets.
Sirius enjoys watching Hazy get along with their cousins. While he doesn’t understand them as well as Hazy, he enjoys their company. He gets along with Flurry Heart the best, since he still believes that if he follows her instructions, he can become an alicorn like his mothers.
Flurry Heart is always trying to get Hazy to accept them as family. She sees how panicked he gets when ponies get too close and tries to ease him into accepting ponies into his personal space. So far, she’s gotten him used to the three of them but he still bristles at everyone else.
Note: This takes place before he meets Green Tea, so he’s still in his violent phase.
Desert Moon is asleep. Since she’s training herself to be Princess of the Night, she is always asleep when the sun is up. Strangely though, she likes sleeping on Hazy for some reason. Even when she can barely keep her eyes open, she will wander about until she finds him and snooze next to him. Hazy, while confused, never minds and makes sure he stays nearby until she wakes up.
Note: Desert is the youngest of the five royal children but the one closest in age is Hazy, which is why she prefers him.
Skyla doesn’t get along with any of her cousins except for Desert Moon. Apparently, she is the only one the Pegasus will talk to outside of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. They often fly together. With everyone else, she is fairly hostile. She claims that Sirius is too ‘broken and unable to see the cracks’ to be near. Flurry Heart she just plain doesn’t like despite the fillys attempts at gaining her affections. The only one she isn’t hostile toward but still avoids is Hazy. According to him, she avoids him because he can see her what she truly is.
Skyla is often called a wallflower, since she is always sitting away from everyone else but her eyes tell a different story. Unfortunately, only Hazy can see what story they tell.
And again, Sirius’ Mane changed! Why can’t he just stay the same? Sadness….