Oh, look, a fresh art that’s NOT yet another character ref. Whut ya know.Another pic for the Pegabirb series that have gone through different versions and revisions in my head since the first suggested idea from Tyrie2001. Tyrie suggested a return of the old timer pony with bad eyesight feeding the ducks, still mistaking pegasi for ducks. Buuuut even if he had an excuse for a pony to go hunting, I knew most people won’t read the description anyway and would just be more confused than amused. So I considered some other options but finally turned to continue Rare Find’s saga. At least it’s an easier joke to get if you have gone through past images of this series. Nice and simple.I dunno why I enjoy drawing Rare Find so tortured among the randomly chosen background ponies. But he has a saga now and I’m entertained by it. I hope you are all too.Enjoy!!
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