Look, I’m new here, and I don’t know all the rules, ok?! It’s no excuse to hammer me with things I’m doing wrong. I appreciate you letting me know, but I’m starting to get tired of it. Slow it down, please. I’m going through enough right now.
(note I said “hammer”. It’s not too much, it’s just starting to get annoying. I’m not mad, I’m not asking you to stop, just SLOW IT DOWN please. My grandma is in the hospital right now and she might die. I’m going through a ton of emotions. I’m going through enough)
Also, I created a new series called “Princess Fiocia’s Cyborg”. I can’t upload it in a comic, but I’ll try to upload 1-3 images a day from the series (apart of course, but I won’t upload all of it today even though the first “episode” is done).
I take art requests. I need something to draw…