>File flies up into the sky and misses with his pistol
>Spearmint hits the creature with Combust dealing 40 damage.
Nadine taunts the wisp “How does payback feel the stupid fucking bastard!?”
“You haven’t defeated me yet.” The wisp eels a little intimidated lowering it’s morale.
(Note:dialog can be used at any time, this includes taunting. things said during battle affects morale.)
File HP:50
Morale: 100
>Pistol (19 rounds)
>Sky strike
Spear HP:70/ MP:80
Morale: 100
>Gun (42 rounds)
>Combust -10MP
>Condense -15MP
Nadine HP:65
Morale: 100
Potion 2X Heals 20HP
Smoke bomb 3x Decreases enemy chance to hit for 1 turn.
Morale: 85
Choose actions/dialog.
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