An entire years worth of batman/mlp artwork and castings for my crossover series/blog.
Here’s to another, right around the corner.
Rainbow Dash as Batmare
Scoots as Robin
Rarity as Catmare
Discord as Joker
Pinkie as Harley
Discorded Fluttershy as Poison Ivy
Zecora as Scarecrow
Cranky Doodle as Mr. Freeze
Iron Will as Bane
Applejack as the commissioner
Applebloom as Batfilly
Twilight Sparkle as Two Face
Twist and Smarty Pants as The Ventriloquist and Scarface
Pipsqueak as the Penguin
Spike as the Mad Hatter
Trixies as the Great and Brilliant Riddler
Celsestia as Celestia al Ghul
Luna as Luna al Ghul
Breaburn as Deadshot
Prince Blueblood as Zsasz
Derpy as Batzarro
Spitfire as Firefly
Roid Rage as Solomon Grundy
Garble as Killer Kroc
Diamond Tiara as Baby Doll
Chrysalis as Clayface
Screwloose as The Creeper
Gilda as Black Mask
Sweetiebelle as Catgirl/catfilly
Doctor Stable as Hugo Strange
Babs Seed as Red HoodAND
Doctor Whooves as Calendar Mane