Belladonna will often spend much of her time absorbed into books. She doesn’t have a true home as she travels around Equestria and on rare occasions, beyond the nation, but if you were to ask her, she would always refer to the Everfree Forest as it is the place she would stay for the most before traveling again. One form of magic she has been practing for many years is necromancy, feeling that only the dead would understand her more than the living. When she does make contact with an actual living pony will often have them call her by her full name, though she doesn’t mind Belladonna or even Bell. However, never refer to her as Bella. It was often the name her mother would refer to her as and the name brings back bad memories.
Her appearance is a deep blue with a dark lavender mane. Her eyes are an ice cold shade of blue that pireces her dark overall appearance. Dotted in the middle of her face are freckles, which from a distance look white, but upon a closer look will reveal that they are a very light pink. Her cutie mark is a rotten apple with magic stemming from it. She is often seen sporting a “cape”, which is really only a worn down potato sack. The magic she emits when in use is a pale green, just like the one in her cutie mark.