Rarely do offenders or intruders prove themselves to be rivals of a siren’s illustrious voice, but those who do escape unharmed and with blessings so long as they promise to never come back. The ones who do not pass the test are swarmed by the sirens of the pod and ritualistically eaten with the sirons present should the interloper prove to be too resourceful and manage to escape the initial attack. Sirens eat their contenders as an act to absorb their being, though the fact of the matter is, they simply consume them to be rid of a threat to their songs to their prey. A mermaid who’d drown a sailor, a Kelpie who’d ruin a village just to send water spirits back into the ocean, or a simple merpony who’d spill the beans on the siren’s intent with their visits to harbors or coastal towns are a threat to a pod’s well being and have to be handled in kind.
For this unfortunate mermare, she just wanted to sing to a cruise ship coming into a string of islands as part of its voyage. What she did not know was that she ventured into the wrong neighborhood and she’d soon find how hospitable the enchanted vocalists could be. Be the best or perish like the rest as most pods mantra tend to chant before eating an intruder.