Full Name; Smooth Sailing
Nicknames; Sail
Gender; Female
Species; Earth pony
Age; 23 years old
About; The oldest of the three children, Smooth Sailing can be found spending most of her time within the walls of the rental shack, helping tourists receive the materials to enjoy the beaches of Batimare. When not working, she can be found spending time honing her skills as a professional sailboat racer, even competing in the summer Equestrian Games as part of a team representing Equestria for the sailboat racing event. Otherwise she likes to spend sunsets on the beaches of Balimare with her coltfriend, Conch Shell.
Cutie Mark; A sailboat and sun
Talent; Sailboat racing
Likes; Beaches, her family, pineapple Juice
Dislikes; Injury to any relatives, staying inside too long, dishonesty
Parents; Chief, Sunny Daze
Siblings; Tidal Wave, Wipe Out (twin brother)
Friends; Conch Shell, High Tide, Sand Dollar, Saltwater Taffy, Sandy Coast, Pond Skipper
Smooth Sailing © Tambelon
Designed by PinkXombiePony
MLP: FiM © Hasbro