Full Name; Jet Stream
Nicknames; Jet
Gender; Male
Species; Pegasus
Age; Young adult
Personality; Jet is a go-getter, always on the lookout for new daring adventures. However, his life in Ponyville keeps him in one place, but he enjoys the small town as he begins his life on his own from his parents and sister back in Baltimare. He’s determined and confident, always trying to up ponies who think they’re all that just to put them in their place. His experiences definitely help him learn, as he always tries new things to see if perhaps he would have a chance at being great at them.
Other than being cocky, Jet is a real sweetheart. He knows how to be a good friend and gentlecolt, always offering his services whenever ponies may need it. He’s a bit timid around mares that he may not know very well, often tripping over his words and sometimes his own hooves. Jet is horrible when it comes to comforting others as he never knows what to say, and fears he may say something to a pony that would wound up hurting their feelings even more. Lastly, he’s impatient–a trait which he got from both his mother and father.
History ; Jet Stream was originally born in Baltimare to his now ex-wonderbolt dad, Comet Blaze, and his art professor mother, Masterpiece, in the cold months of December. Albeit young, Jet Stream was always one for adventure and did as much as he could, whether it was practicing his flying with flapping his wings or enjoying being taken high above the sky by his parents to rest on the many clouds above the city.
As a young colt, Jet Stream would often go with his mother to watch his father perform in Wonderbolt shows, which would encourage the pegasus colt to keep on flying. He trained his wings every day to become stronger. After his younger sister, Star Wishes, was born, Jet Stream would take his baby sister everywhere. These two grew an inseparable bond as his sister grew up, the little filly tailed her brother everywhere he went. He earned his cutie mark by performing aerial stunts for his little sister, who had injured herself and was crying, with using the clouds into words and shapes until she laughed. Afterwards, he informed his parents.
His love for the Wonderbolts continued until he was older, in which he enrolled into the Wonderbolt Academy and was accepted. He met several other students, having a rough time from a a group of teenage pegasi. Their leader included Whiplash, who was followed by Signal Flare, Smoke Stream, Thunder Thick and Storm Winds. However, he did meet several ponies there, including Cold Front, Nimble Stride, Cloud Duster, Air Strike, and Sky Dive. The friends he met kept in touch via letter, graduating with excellent scores and standings.
After graduating Wonderbolt Academy, Jet Stream moved to Ponyville where he remains as a weather pony
Cutie Mark; A pair with three stream contrails
Talent; Skywriting positive messages
Likes; Clear days, clouds, skywriting, his little sister, his scarf
Dislikes; Stormy weather, bullies, parasprites, Everfree Forest, losing control
Parents; Comet Blaze (father), Masterpiece (mother)
Siblings; Star Wishes (little sister), Paint Blot (little brother)
Friends; Paint Splatters, Dearly Beloved, Tidal Wave, Stereo Beats, Autumn Breeze
Jet Stream © Tambelon
MLP: FiM © Hasbro