At some point during season 3 (back in late 2012/early 2013,) I decided to create a pony oc, and so I made a hand sketch of him. So, I recently decided to redraw him in Inkscape for the first time just for the heck of it. Now, I know the drawing isn’t perfect, and I know it can be improved. I don’t really draw much, so I’ll admit that I’m kind of rusty (especially with Inkscape.)
Anyway, here’s some information about my OC:
While Mastermind Games is a pegasus, he has the ability of “mind over matter”. However, he can’t use magic like unicorns and alicorns can. Instead, he can manipulate objects with his mind in a similar way a unicorn/alicorn can “levitate” objects with their magic. Essentially, he has psychokinesis (hence the glowing eyes and/or smokey eyes,) rather than magic. However, compared to unicorns/alicorns, he has a lower “mana pool”, for the lack of a better term. In other words, compared to unicorns’/alicorns’ magic, the “longevity” of his psychokinetic abilities are limited (and it takes a bit more effort to pull off.) Because he can manipulate mind over matter, this also means he can manipulate and control minds. Due to the limitations and effort that it requires, he can only do this on up to a few ponies at any given time. Additionally, the strength and resistance of a pony’s mind can affect the effectiveness of the mind manipulation/control. Besides his psychokinetic abilities, he is a master manipulator, and an expert in psychology. I decided to give him these abilities and have him be a pegasus instead of a unicorn to make things more… interesting. And besides, it’s obvious why I did not make him an alicorn (even though I drew the wings “alicorn style” instead for the hell of it.)
Here’s one way to put it using a chess analogy. In terms of the ease of use, longevity, and mana pool, Twilight/Starlight is a Queen. Mastermind Games, on the other hand, is a Knight. What he lacks in “mobility” and the high quantity of power (like the Queen), he makes up for in adaptability and resourcefulness (like the Knight). Speaking of chess, the cutie mark is essentially two swords (one white and one black) piercing a brain, where the knights (from chess) are the swords’ hilts. In short, the cutie mark symbolizes the “conquering” of the mind. The cutie mark is a simplified version of my personal logo/insignia.
|| >inb4 Marty Stu, Sombra ripoff, or “bad OC” in the comments. ||
Description edit: Curses! The back mane didn’t render correctly! Oh well… >:(