“Hey, there you are. Come on, I saved you a spot.” Flash said, waving her hoof. You trot up to the table and took a seat across from her. You look up at Flash and put on your best smile you can muster up then asked where Green is. “Green’s getting our dinner.” You asked what’s she bringing back. “Pizza!” That brightened you up some then you recall you never had pizza before. “Well, you’ve been missing out kid.”
You hear a door open and close then you see Green with three boxes of pizza on her back. She comes over and sets one on each table and kept one for herself and walked out with it. You asked where she’s going? Copper answered, “Where do you think she’s going?” You suddenly hear the sounds of dragon and some sword slashing sounds from the living room.
You look to see everyone getting a slice of pizza and you take one. It had slices of tomato, black olives, green peppers and some kind of edible leaf. You take a bit and really liked the taste. After eating a few more slices you gave a sigh and excused yourself from the table.You head back to the room and wondered what you should do now before you end the day.
What will you do now?
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