Tutorial for De-frizzing hair. Complete with pics!I was supposed to do a tutorial for the MD meet..but we ran out of time. So here it is for all to behold. This idea really works.Step 1… Frizzy haired ponyStep 2… Boil waterStep 3… Dip hair in boiling waterStep 4…Lay pony on a flat surface and comb out straight. I usually try to put a towel underneath of it to absorb the water. Do step 3 and 4 several times
*if you want truly straight hair you are now done. Just stand pony up and comb hair how you want it to stay forever.Step 5… Seperate a small section of hair and curl around a cut off straw. Use a bobbypin to keep in place (hint..put the crinkled side of the bobbypin inside the straw to avoid a crimped look)Step 6…Put curlers in all the hair. Go ahead and dip in boiling water every now and again. You want hair to remain hot and steaming while doing this.Step 7…Leave to dry overnight. Then carefully remove bobbypins and slide out straw from the top.Step 8…Enjoy your curly haired pony! The heat of the water changes the plastic and the hair will remain curly! No products needed!Curls I have made in ponies has lasted for years! Frizz be gone!Oh and i wanted to mention that while straws work…Firemuse sells some really nice wooden curling sticks that she uses with hair clips and they would last forever and be really nice to own. I have always used straws but her method got different sized curls. And the funny part is…she used the same pony to show how the curl works!