Original design by:
Name: Platnuim Astral
Species: Pony (Unicorn)
Age: 19
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family: Twilight Sparkle (Mother), Rarity (second Mother ‘father’), Twilight Velvet (First Maternal Grandmother), Night Light (First Maternal Grandfather), Cookie Crumbles (Second Maternal Grandmother), Hondo Flanks (Second Maternal Grandfather), Shining Armor (First Maternal Uncle), Cadence (First Maternal Aunt), Sweetie Belle (Second Maternal Aunt), Flurry Heart (Cousin)
Platnuim is a popular teenage mare who loves fashion just like her ‘Mama Rarity’ she loves her jewelry: Necklaces, Earrings, Tiaras, ect. She’s particularly fond of her Sapphire jewelry. Dispite preferring to do other things she does study with help from her ‘Mommy Twilight’
Now with Cutie Mark
Base used:[Link]